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Newsletter Jan/Feb/March

March 30, 2018

Greetings to all our Friends, Family and Supporters,

            The Holy week of Easter is here. We have made it through another winter season and we can now turn to the wonderful celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the grave. HE IS RISEN!  We have so much to be grateful for. We are grateful for all of you, as you continue to support this ministry with your prayers, finances and time.  Our winter needs (larger bills of propane and electricity) were met and now we can look forward to spring and warmer temperatures.

            The dates for our 2018 Truckers Jamboree have been finalized!  Back in January, the ACT Board of Directors voted and approved going to one jamboree a year and to always have it the same month and week each year so our drivers can plan their schedules to attend.  So, from now on, the truckers jamboree will be held the 2nd full week of September, Wednesday thru Sunday.  This year the dates will be September 12-16th.  More information will come as we get closer to the date. Please make plans now to attend. There is a campground just across the road from us if you want to bring your RV, camper or tent. There is also several motels within 30 miles of us.  And, as always, we have space for 35 trucks in our parking lot.

            We had a great turn out at the two truck shows that we’ve attended so far this year. We had a booth at the Peoria Illinois show the first week of February and at the Mid America Truck Show in Louisville Kentucky this month. Many contacts were made and several cases of Bibles and brochures were handed out. Mark Hewett, Director of Development and volunteer, Randy Kirkland represented ACT at the shows.  The next show we will be at is the I-80 Walcott Iowa show in July.  If you would like to help with the expenses for attending these shows, please designate your giving to “truck shows”. 

            I want to share with you a review that was made on our Facebook site, ACT Road Angel on February 18th.  This driver gave our organization a 5 star rating.  Thank you, driver, for your review.

“Stopped here today. Love this place. Awesome place to stop. Love Dock and Mary and the staff at Road Angel. So look forward to stopping in again. Dock and Mary are awesome people always so caring and helpful. Praise God. They are always a blessing to see when we walk in the door at ACT Road Angel. Keep up the great work Dock and Mary. Y’all are a blessing. Praise the Lord for wonderful people like you at ACT Road Angel. To all truckers, stop in and see Dock and Mary at ACT. You will be blessed.”

 We appreciate your continued prays for our needs here. We need more volunteers. We would like to have another Chaplain to minister to drivers and a person who loves to cook to help with the meals.  The best candidates would be a husband and wife, as we only have a “studio” apartment available.  We want a couple who definitely has been praying and seeking God’s direction. This is a non-paying position, so you will have to have your own support or income, but we will provide room and board.  Working a part time job to help with your needs is acceptable.  There is an application to fill out and we will be doing a back ground check on the serious candidates.       

            We also have a need for volunteers that could possibly come for two weeks in July to help care for the place while Mary and I have a much needed break. Again, an application will need to be filled out. The dates are July 18-31. We especially need a cook for that time to cover 3 morning meals and all evening meals. We also have two Sundays that we will need a speaker for the chapel service. Please call me or Mary (618-704-8525) if this is something you can help with. We already have one wonderful friend who will come help, but could use more.  Thank you for considering this opportunity to minister.

            Here is a short Bible devotion for you. When was the last time you read the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19?  Here was a Publican who was so excited to see the Jesus he’d heard so much about, that he climbed a tree just to see Jesus pass by.  Can you imagine how surprised Zacchaeus was when Jesus stopped and looked up at him while sitting in the tree?  And then to hear Jesus talk directly to him? Not only that, but Jesus said that today he MUST abide at his house? Later in verse 9, it says that salvation came to all of the house of Zacchaeus. My question to you is; When was the last time you heard Jesus call you by name and say that he must abide in your house? He is waiting for your reply. Read the story again and put your own name where Zacchaeus’ name is. Don’t delay. Jesus is waiting. Invite him in. He MUST come in for you to have salvation.

       Thank you for your continued prayers and support of this ministry.   Please pray daily for the truck drivers on our nation’s highways. Until next time, may God bless and keep you!

In HIS service,

Chaplain Dock Hinman



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