Good day members! We are so grateful for each one of you and your contribution to this ministry. The work we are doing here at the Road Angel Trucker’s Center is of great importance. We are growing every day and welcoming new visitors constantly. Drivers tell us many times over that they are so glad that we are here for them. They tell us this is the safest place they know about and they love our hospitality. We are believing big things for this place and God is showing us his plans.
2019 was a great year! We installed 2 new signs at the Road Angel. We replaced the main entrance sign with a new well-lit sign.
We also put a sign close to the entrance ramp (from the east), That has reduced the number of drivers that sit on the ramp.
We cut down some trees to increase our visibility from the interstate. All of this by the help of our major donors and you the drivers. We redesigned and put a billboard in place (Coming eastbound) that really shines at night. This along with Trucker Path, (a phone app where truckers can find parking), has our parking lot is almost full 3 to 4 nights a week. We are seeing salvation, healing and deliverance. Many are getting comfort from the fellowship and caring they receive here. The first of the year has slowed down a bit as the industry is a little slow. Still, we have salvation going on! We are cleaning up and arranging things to go into our next phase of remodeling and replacing the old. We are praying for much growth in 2020. We ask you to pray for us and consider giving a gift to help us grow.
You can give on our website, or mail p.o. Box 187 Brownstown, Il 62418 PayPal Give monthly or one time we are appreciative of all.
Roll on with Jesus!
Pastor Mark